Is it possible to go bald after a hair transplant ?
Hair loss is a very common occurrence. Hair loss affects over 60 percent of males and 50 percent of women. According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, if you're losing more than 50 to 100 hair strands every day, you could have an underlying problem. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of causes, including aging, hormones, genetic, medical disorders, drugs, stress, and lifestyle behaviors, among others. While you may treat your hair loss with over-the-counter medications, many people choose hair transplants since the effects are permanent.
If you are experiencing hair loss and are considering a hair transplant, it is natural to have a number of worries or questions. Many people have one common concern: whether or not they would go bald after undergoing hair transplant surgery. To properly address this question, let's go through the basics of how a hair transplant is performed and why you should have one.
A hair transplant is a surgical operation in which the surgeon takes hair follicles from the donor area of the scalp (typically the back of the head) and transplants them to the recipient area of the scalp, which is balding. FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant are the two forms of hair transplant operations.
What are the benefits of a hair transplant ?
Hair transplants can successfully correct hair loss or thinning for a variety of causes. Here are a few examples:
1. Results that appear to be natural
One of the most appealing aspects of a hair transplant is the natural-looking outcome. Because the transplant uses the patient's own hair follicles, the regenerated hair appears perfectly natural. The freshly transplanted follicles have the same texture and appearance as the donor's natural hair. The follicles are then selectively transplanted over the head to create a natural-looking hairline.
2. The process is painless and minimally invasive.
During hair transplant surgery, patients are given local anesthetic, which makes the treatment absolutely painless and safe. Furthermore, if you have treatment from a reputable facility such as New Jersey Hair Restoration Center, our trained surgeons will guarantee that scarring is kept to a minimum.
3. The shortest possible recuperation time
Hair transplant surgery has a short recovery period. You may need to stay in bed for a few days, but you will be able to resume your normal activities after that. However, make sure you follow all of your surgeon's aftercare instructions and avoid any strenuous physical activity for a few days, unless your physician advises otherwise.
4. It's a once-in-a-lifetime investment
While hiring a hair transplant surgeon may appear expensive at first, you will find that it is a wise and cost-effective long-term investment. Other non-surgical options may appear to be less expensive at first, but they require a lot of upkeep and the expenses pile up over time. Hair transplants are a one-time investment that may last a lifetime.
5. It boosts one's self-esteem.
Hair loss, particularly in younger patients, can undermine a person's self-esteem and have a negative influence on their social and personal lives. Hair transplants can improve their self-esteem and give them a more positive attitude on life.
Is it possible to go bald after a hair transplant ?
It's very common to lose transplanted hair during the first two weeks after surgery. This is a normal process in which the transplanted grafts fall off, allowing new hair to grow in their place. It might take anywhere from 8 to 12 months for patients to see substantial improvements.
Let's go over some key points to remember if you're worried about total hair loss following a hair transplant.
Hair transplants are not a cure for baldness. Hair is only added to balding regions. Hair loss is produced by a hormone called DHT in both male and female pattern hair loss (dihydrotestosterone). In this situation, the hormone assaults the hair follicles, destroying them and limiting new hair growth.
Even if you receive a hair transplant, you must address the underlying reason of your hair loss and seek therapy for it. Otherwise, even after a hair transplant, you may continue to lose hair. This might lead to an unusual balding pattern. That's because, while your transplanted hair is untouched by pattern baldness, DHT affects the rest of your hair, causing it to fall out. As a result, the transplanted regions of the scalp will have an abnormal hair loss pattern.
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